Kocktails and Kobolds

Sometimes even the Beholder needs a 12 step program.

Labyrinth Lord, IN SPAAAAACE —

I really love the D&D in Space one page from the Blog of Holding. Spelljammer has always, to me, been an awesome idea executed poorly. Well maybe Spelljammer wasn’t poorly implemented, but its certainly not to my tastes. I like B/X for the most part, and really don’t like the MU nerfing nature of helms, on top of this the whole Arcane story arc is kind of a “telling other peoples stories” vs “Telling my stories” dichotomy. What I hope to outline is an interesting way to run Spelljammer like Space Fantasy “my way”. So how would I handle it?
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Mutants and Mazes and Spaceships! —

Still tinkering with running a Metamorphosis Alpha game with a fantasy level using Labyrinth Lord and Mutant Future instead of the Metamorphosis Alpha rules. I was originally going to work with the Delving Deeper rules, but its alot easier to use MF, MA, and S&S tech/mutant rules with LL than DD, which is a shame because I like D6 HP and D6 damage.

I’ll allow all the normal LL classes (With race-as-class), some of the third party classes (Vivimancer, Witch, etc.) and the Mutants and Mazes Race-classes. I might also allow some stuff from Starships and Spacemen if anyone really wants to play a revived/cloned ships crew member.

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Camelot in the Warden —

I love me some Metamorphosis Alpha, but after having run it I find the rules somewhat lacking. Sure, there are lots of tasty tables in the rulebook, but there really isn’t a conventional system of advancement, or class/skill system to let you differentiate characters of the same race. These are considered features by some, advancement and diversity coming from gear and experiences, but I find it just a bit lacking in a D&D derived game.

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Half-Dragons in Labyrinth Lord —

I’ve never really liked the dragonborn as a core race in Dungeons and Dragons. Dragonborn are just an attempt to provide a cut down race of dragons that are playable, the problem is that D&D has had that already for ages. D&D is full of playable Dragon-ish races which could have been statted up for play. Half-dragons, Dray, and Wooddrakes, were already playable in AD&D. If you really wanted strait up dragon-people, you could also have easily just statted up Dragonlance Draconians and had something way more interesting. Anyway, since I love me some council of wyrms, and since in Labyrinth Lord Gold Dragons are the only metallic dragons in town, I statted up a Council of Wyrms based Gold Half-Dragon Race-Class…

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Mindjammer Pre-Gen: Seductive Conperson —

Even though I have already worked through character generation with the two players in my new Mindjammer campaign, I still don’t feel particularly comfortable with it. For the most part Mindjammer is just Fate Core, but there are enough twists to it that I still have an interest in getting some practice at it. I’ll write them all up here as pregens for others to use as they like. This particular pregen was inspired by The Face template from Shadowrun.

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Behold the Beholder Fate edition! —

They said it couldn’t be done!

Ok, actually they said it shouldn’t be done. Fate, specifically Fate Accelerated Edition, just doesn’t seem a good fit for “Save or Die” magics. Still, after consulting the holy SRD, and more specifically the toolkit section about Monster Zones, I was able to come up with a reasonable way to model the classic Dungeons and Dragons Beholder. I’ve made a few changes to account for the dramatic differences in the way FAE and D&D handle combat, moreover since there is no “Save Vs. Death Ray” in FAE the Death Ray Eye didn’t make much sense, so I’ve replaced it with a Revitalization Ray, this way the Beholder can return his victims to their pre-aspected state should the need arise (Like getting hungry only to find all your opponents are still statues). This is a Fan work and not OGL because I have absolutely no rights to the “Beholder” as while the name is not Copyrightable, the creature is, and the quoted text blocks below are 100% copyrighted by TSR (Now WotC).

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The Hightracker class for Swords and Wizardry —

The Hightracker is the mundane answer to the Ranger presented in Swords and Wizardry complete. The Hightracker makes his livelihood in the wild places of the world. Not content to work his way up the career ladder in civilized society, the Hightracker makes his way through hunting, gathering, prospecting, and even chasing the occasional bounty. Once a Hightracker has dedicated himself to a target he will travel high and low in its pursuit, be that a fox, a rabbit, a wanted man, or a monstrous horde.

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