Kocktails and Kobolds

Sometimes even the Beholder needs a 12 step program.

Behold the Beholder Fate edition! —

They said it couldn’t be done!

Ok, actually they said it shouldn’t be done. Fate, specifically Fate Accelerated Edition, just doesn’t seem a good fit for “Save or Die” magics. Still, after consulting the holy SRD, and more specifically the toolkit section about Monster Zones, I was able to come up with a reasonable way to model the classic Dungeons and Dragons Beholder. I’ve made a few changes to account for the dramatic differences in the way FAE and D&D handle combat, moreover since there is no “Save Vs. Death Ray” in FAE the Death Ray Eye didn’t make much sense, so I’ve replaced it with a Revitalization Ray, this way the Beholder can return his victims to their pre-aspected state should the need arise (Like getting hungry only to find all your opponents are still statues). This is a Fan work and not OGL because I have absolutely no rights to the “Beholder” as while the name is not Copyrightable, the creature is, and the quoted text blocks below are 100% copyrighted by TSR (Now WotC).

The Beholder in 12 Zones

“These monsters are also known as Spheres of Many Eyes, or as Eye Tyrants. The body of these creatures is a great globe of about 3′ in diameter.”(Zone 1) “Atop it are ten eye stalks,” (Zones 3-12) “while in the center of the spherical body is a great eleventh eye.”(Zone 2)

“In addition, the Beholders are able to levitate themselves and float slowly about. These monsters are avaricious. They are neutral in nature, although they tend to be chaotic.”

Zone 1 The body (if destroyed the Beholder cannot float)

This zone contains the whole of the body excluding the eye stalks and central eye.

Aspects: “I want it all!” “I don’t play well with others.” “Limbs are for chumps” “Up, Up, And Away!” “Disgusted by traditional beauty.”


  •  Careful: +2
  •  Clever: +3
  •  Flashy: 0
  •  Forceful: +2
  •  Quick: +1
  •  Sneaky: +1


Because I can float I get a +2 to Sneakily Overcome when the obstacle is based on movement limitations.

Because of my gaping maw I get a +2 to Forcefully Create Advantage when biting is possible. Creating the “At the mercy of my mighty jaws” Aspect grants a further +2 to Forcefully attack each turn until the Aspect has been overcome.

Stress: OOO

Consequences: Mild Moderate Severe

Zone 2 The great Central Eye

This Zone covers the central anti-magic eye.

Apsects: “There will be none of that Magic Nonsense on my watch.”

Skilled (+2) at: Blinking(defending)

Bad (-2) at: Everything else

Stress: OOO

Zone 3 – 12 The Eye Stalks

These Zones account for the 10 eye stalks. Each is a Mook with one spell-stunt.

Apsects: “I’ve got the power in me.” “I’m just an eye.” “flailing here!” “trying to destroy you!”

Skilled (+2) at: Dodging/flailing

Bad (-2) at: Any tasks other than Dodging, Flailing, and using its power

Stress: OOO


Zone 3: Because I’m so Charming I get a +2 to Create Advantage when an intelligent humanoid is in view. I can only use this to create the Aspect “I would do anything for the Beholder.” This aspect lasts until overcome, or the eye is defeated.

Zone 4:Because I’m so Charming I get a +2 to Create Advantage when another monster is in view. I can only use this to create the Aspect “I would do anything for the Beholder.” This aspect lasts until overcome, or the eye is defeated.

Zone 5: Because I’m so Soothing I get a +2 to Create Advantage when the target has no single approach higher than +3. I can only use this to create the aspect “I’m just going to sleep for a few hours” thus putting the PC to sleep for two hours (or until awakened).

Zone 6: Because I’m Telekenetic I get a +2 to Overcome when moving an object with my mind would be useful. I can also Overcome objects in other zones without the bonus.

Zone 7: Because of my Stony Gaze I get a +2 to Create Advantage when my target is a fleshy organism. This can only be used to create the aspect “I’m a statue!” which affects the target until overcome by dispelling or counterspelling. While stone the Target is ageless and effectively immortal.

Zone 8: Because of my Disintegration Ray, I can attack a target in any zone provided I can see the Target. If I remove my target from conflict they are disintegrated into a fine powder.

Zone 9: Because of my Time Dilation Ray, I can cause one target to take on the “Slow” Aspect for each round that I remain focused on him. The “Slow” Target takes a -1 to any action taken that round.

Zone 10: Because I am so Terrifying I get a +2 to Create Advantage on any target capable of experiencing fear. This can only be used to create the “Terrified” Aspect. The Target remains “Terrified” until the effect is counterspelled, or dispelled, or is overcome, or the target has the necessary time and comfort to gather its whits.

Zone 11: Because of my Agonizer Ray I can Attack a target in any zone provided I can see the Target. If I tie or hit I always do at least 2 stress.

Zone 12: Because of my Revitalization Ray I get a +2 to Overcome one Aspect I have created provided I can see the Target.

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