Kocktails and Kobolds

Sometimes even the Beholder needs a 12 step program.

Archive for March, 2016

Behold the Beholder Fate edition! —

They said it couldn’t be done! Ok, actually they said it shouldn’t be done. Fate, specifically Fate Accelerated Edition, just doesn’t seem a good fit for “Save or Die” magics. Still, after consulting the holy SRD, and more specifically the toolkit section about Monster Zones, I was able to come up with a reasonable way […]

The Hightracker class for Swords and Wizardry —

The Hightracker is the mundane answer to the Ranger presented in Swords and Wizardry complete. The Hightracker makes his livelihood in the wild places of the world. Not content to work his way up the career ladder in civilized society, the Hightracker makes his way through hunting, gathering, prospecting, and even chasing the occasional bounty. Once […]

The Pseudo-Undead —

(Inspired by this image, the rest of the artists gallery is definitely NSFW. Stats can be found in the AD&D Monster Manual 2) The Pseudo-Undead are living breathing humanoids who resemble, and strive to mimic, the undead. Their physical and cultural evolution has aligned itself with the traits of the undead so as to shroud and protect […]


This post was inspired by the awesome artwork of Drachenmagier seen here and here. I started with the stats for a Grizzly Bear from the SRD, Then for the Dire Trout (inspired by Ray Trolls amazing art) I started with the stats for a Shark from the SRD. Bear, Aquatic HD 6 AC 6 [13] Atk 2 claws (1d6), 1 bite (1d10) or 1 Tail Thrash (1d6) Move 9 Save 11 AL N […]

Skinwalkers —

(no stats are presented as the SRD has stats for those forms. No XP or GP value is assigned as I havent worked out what they should be worth.) When man was only slightly more than snarling savage beasts the witch queens (hags) ruled the northlands with withered and clawed fists. The Queens worked their witchcraft, […]


I’ve never been overly-fond of the Gorgon/Medusa situation from D&D. Its not that I think the Gorgon is a bad monster, its that the term “medusa” should apply to the specific individual from mythology and gorgon should describe a race of horrible women with serpents for hair, and terrible claws, who’s image is so horrific […]

Fudge & Labyrinth Lord —

This is an organization of my thoughts on using Fudge Dice, and the Fudge resolution mechanic, to provide an easy way to make snap rulings based on PC ability scores and Levels using the Labyrinth Lord rule-system (and within the game systems it attempts to emulate). Fudge and Labyrinth Lord are both released under the OGL, as is this article […]

AD&D Core Rules CD-Rom —

After finding my old copies of the AD&D windows 3.1 Core Rules CD-Rom, and having quite a bit of free time, I decided it wouldn’t hurt anything to start fiddling with it. After a rather large investment of time these are my findings, hopefully they will entertain or prove useful to someone other than myself.